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Solar Installation

At TPRS, we are deeply committed to environmental sustainability. As a part of our green initiatives, we have made significant investments in solar installations. Currently, nearly 15% of our energy needs are met by solar power. Our vision is to fully power our manufacturing plants with solar energy by 2026, reducing our carbon footprint and contributing to a cleaner, greener future.

Reduction of Plastic and Usage of Wood

We recognize the importance of reducing plastic usage and promoting sustainable alternatives. In line with this commitment, we have taken significant steps to reduce plastic consumption in our operations. We have replaced one-use plastic materials with biodegradable and reusable grade, developed reusable metal racks in place of one-time use wooden pallets, and increased the retrieval and re-use of various packing materials. This initiative is part of our ongoing efforts to minimize our impact on the environment and promote eco-friendly practices.

Reuse of Packing Materials

As part of our sustainability strategy, we actively promote the reuse of packing materials. Rather than contributing to unnecessary waste, we take measures to extend the life of packing materials. By doing so, we reduce our ecological footprint and help conserve resources. It's a small but impactful step towards a more sustainable future.

The TPRS Promise

Through these initiatives, we aim to lead by example and inspire positive change within our industry and beyond. Our commitment to environmental responsibility is an integral part of our corporate ethos, and we are dedicated to pursuing eco-friendly practices that benefit both our business and the planet.